Friday, April 16, 2010

PDF as Export Format (not just for plotting anymore)

You are all aware that Smallworld has the ability to print maps to PDF.

Now, with FME, you can export Smallworld data to PDF. In this example I:
  • Imported some Cambridge demo db data (substations, cables, supply points)
  • Imported a Google Static Map based on the bounds of the Smallworld data
  • Exported to Geospatial PDF format which is readable with Adobe Reader
I apologize for not providing the actual files, but it seems that my online file repository is no longer available. I will include screen shots instead. You can click on the image to get the full size.

FME workspace...

Adobe Reader. Note the ability to show attributes for selected objects. You can also do "goto selected object".

This was just a very simple example of mashing together data from multiple sources (including Smallworld) and exporting to a format that even "Ken's grandpa can read*".

Adobe Reader is free and widely available on most computers. It seems to me that this would be one format that would lend itself well to an inexpensive mobile field solution.

* inside joke from the FMEOdyssey 2010 meeting in Denver in March.

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