Monday, October 6, 2008

Configuring the GE Smallworld FME Plugin as a Server

Anyone that has done any work with GE's version of the FME Smallworld Reader/Writer will know that it does not behave well as a stand-alone server.  So you are faced with one of two options:
- purchase SpatialBiz' FME Plug-in.  It has been designed as a server process.
- modify your existing (i.e., already paid-for) GE Smallworld Reader/Writer using a combination of Python, TICs and a few Magik enhancements to allow the FME Workspace to dynamically control the fme_tics_client class.

You can find a more detailed description by look at the "Behind the Scenes" section at

Here are the steps you would need to take:
- create a Python Module that exposes Tics32.dll functionality
- extend the Python Module to expose various Magik methods such as setCollections(), rollback(), rollforward(), gotoAlternative(), etc.
- modify fme_tics_client.private_run() to listen for TICS messages from the new Python module.
- configure your FME Workspace to use the new Python Module.

I have prepared a package (licensed under LGPL) of Python and Magik code (along with a workspace sample) that I am happy to send out upon request.  Thanks to my employer (Red Planet Consulting, Inc.) for permitting me to make this available to the Smallworld community.

Send me a note at... request a free copy of the Python, Magik and FME Workspace files I used to integrate FME Server with the GE Smallworld FME Reader/Writer.

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