Tuesday, November 5, 2013

WebMapsConnector for Smallworld Supports basemap.at

As you may be aware, iFactor Consulting's Web Maps Connector (WMC) for Smallworld allows Smallworld users to seamlessly integrate both global and regional data sets in their Smallworld thick client.

Today I want to share with you that WMC now supports data layers from http://basemap.at (The most recent Administrative basemap of Austria).

While I have mentioned in a previous post that access to datasets like Google do provide value to the Smallworld user, I have also seen a movement in this domain towards regionally-generated data sources.  basemap.at falls into that category of regional datasets supported by WMC joining already supported datasets from Thailand (Longdo Maps), Japan (NTT Geospace Imagery and Road Tile) and North Korea (Naver Maps).

If you have a regional tile-based map that you would like to show in Smallworld, please contact the Web Maps Connector team with your request.